Thursday, August 23, 2007

Spirit of Chak De

Chak De spirit

I saw the movie " Chak De" on 15th August and was really thrilled to see the audience getting involved in the movie like never before. The last time I have witnessed this was during " Titanic" where every body was crying and wiping their tears. The " Chake de " attitude is really catching up in the country and " We Can do it" spirit is rising. The" Chak De" act is not started by the movie but started by the Indian industry which has done big bold business deals , acquired foreign companies as never before . Indians have starting to arrive and making statements like nobody can bully us anymore. Any MNC worldwide has now a definite India Strategy.


However we need to realize that this is only half time. We still have the second half to play. The common Indians need to embrace the spirit of "Chak De" and move on together. I happen to see a interesting news items last week where a Mumbai daily reported that the teenagers working in BPOs are now behaving that they are REALLY FIRANGS and how they hate the DESIs. I was appalled to see the mindset which these unfortunate kids have evolved. The " Chak De" attitude says – drop those firang accents , don't care a damn if the person on other line knows you are an Indian sitting in India answering his call and tell the world that they depend on you to service them.

If our BPO industry pull this off and stop converting Indians into Americans , that will be a REAL " Chak De" .. Cheeers..